Phase 4 Study Guide

Phase 4 Study Guide

Flatiron School
flask sqlalchemy

Welcome to my comprehensive study guide designed to help you master Flask! This guide is divided into multiple modules, each focusing on a specific topic related to Flask, such as routing, database interactions, API development, and more.

Each module includes a Study Goal to clarify what you should aim to learn, Topics to Cover that list the key points you’ll focus on, and a Lab exercise to apply what you’ve learned.

Flask Routing and Views Lab

Study Goal:

Master Flask routing mechanisms.

Topics to Cover:

  • Basic and dynamic routing in Flask
  • HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)


Create an application with multiple routes and HTTP methods.

Flask-SQLAlchemy, Part 1 & 2 and Lab

Study Goal:

Learn how to use the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension for database operations.

Topics to Cover:

  • Initialize Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • CRUD operations
  • Model relationships


Create a Flask application that uses Flask-SQLAlchemy for CRUD operations.

Building a GET API and Building a POST/PATCH/DELETE API and Lab

Study Goal:

Understand how to build APIs for CRUD operations using Flask.

Topics to Cover:

  • Flask API endpoints
  • Using request and jsonify


Build a CRUD API in Flask to perform GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE operations.

REST APIs with Flask-RESTful

Study Goal:

Use the Flask-RESTful extension to build RESTful APIs.

Topics to Cover:

  • Resource classes in Flask-RESTful
  • API routing with Flask-RESTful


Convert your existing CRUD API to use Flask-RESTful.

Constraints and Validations with SQLAlchemy

Study Goal:

Use SQLAlchemy’s features to add constraints and validations.

Topics to Cover:

  • Unique constraints
  • Field validations


Integrate constraints and validations into your CRUD API.

Identity and Access Management with Flask-Login or Flask-Security

Study Goal:

Implement authentication and authorization using Flask-Login or Flask-Security.

Topics to Cover:

  • User authentication
  • Role-based authorization


Add authentication and authorization features to your CRUD API.

Deployment with Flask and Render

Study Goal:

Learn how to deploy your Flask API.

Topics to Cover:

  • Deploying Flask app to Render
  • Using databases in production


Deploy your CRUD API and front-end, if applicable, on Render.

[Optional] Data Serialization with Marshmallow

Study Goal:

Use the Marshmallow extension for data serialization and deserialization.

Topics to Cover:

  • Defining schemas
  • Object serialization


Implement Marshmallow in your existing CRUD API.

[Optional] HATEOAS

Study Goal:

Implement HATEOAS in your RESTful API.

Topics to Cover:

  • Principles of HATEOAS
  • Adding hypermedia controls to your API


Integrate HATEOAS principles into your existing CRUD API.


Flatiron School, Software Engineer Program, Course Modules: Phase 4 - Full Stack. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2021.