Student Performance Dashboard

Student Performance Dashboard

Web App
dashboard plotly-dash python
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As parents, it is crucial to stay updated on your child’s academic performance. Understanding how they are doing across different subjects and over time can help guide them towards success. That’s why I’ve developed an interactive app using Python’s Dash framework to help you track your child’s grades seamlessly.

In this blog post, I will explain the features and benefits of this app, which will help you monitor your child’s academic progress and provide insights to support their educational journey, giving you peace of mind.

Key Features of the App

Student Selection:

Easily select your child’s name from a dropdown menu to get a personalized view of their academic performance.

Grade Selection:

Choose the academic year to see the relevant data, making comparing progress year over year easy.

Performance Overview:

View a summary table of your child’s grades across all subjects. The table is designed to show final grades for each subject and an overall grade average.

Detailed Exam Performance:

You can delve deeper into each subject by selecting it from a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu will update the detailed exam performance table, showing grades for different exams within the subject.

Performance Over Time:

The app provides a line chart that displays your child’s performance across different exams in a subject. The chart helps you see how their grades are trending over time.

Subject Performance Comparison:

A bar chart that compares your child’s grades across all subjects in a selected year, giving a clear visual of their strengths and areas needing improvement.

How It Works

The app is built using the Dash framework, a powerful tool for creating interactive web applications with Python. Here’s a quick overview of the technology behind it:

Data Handling:

The app reads and processes a CSV file containing student grades. It calculates final grades by averaging the scores from different exams and then rounds them for simplicity.


Basic authentication is set up to ensure that only authorized users can access the data. Authentication is crucial for maintaining the privacy and security of student information.

Dynamic Content:

The app layout includes dropdowns for selecting students and academic years. It also features tables and charts that update dynamically based on these selections.

Interactive Charts:

I use Plotly Express to create interactive charts. The line and bar charts are informative and customizable, making tracking and comparing performance metrics easier.


The Dash app is designed to offer a comprehensive and interactive way to monitor your child’s academic journey. With features like detailed performance charts, summary tables, and secure access, it’s a powerful tool for any parent looking to stay engaged with their child’s education.

Stay tuned for more updates and features as I improve this app. Your feedback is always welcome!

If you’re a web development nerd (like me 🤓) and want to peek at this Python app or my portfolio, follow these links:

Interactive Dashboard

Portfolio Ivan Arias 💾